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Get Weekly Emails to increase Sales & Speak with Impact

The "Buy-In" Speaking Coach for CXOs, Business Owners and Salespeople.

I help you get "buy-in" to build credibility.

Take the 7C Communication Profiling Now!

How skilled are you in Public Speaking and what kind of Impact do you create?

Answer 35 questions that are based on what we found are common markers of impactful speakers.

You’ll get an overall Score, as well as a score for each of the 7 domains.

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Our Clients:

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Here's What Our Clients Say

Keynote Speech: Freelance is the Future Summit 2022

Keynote Speech: LBKM Bursary Ceremony 2023


We primarily focus on increasing sales, improving speaking and growing your business. We have a variety of sub-topics within those broad categories that we teach. Drop us a message to find out how we can curate something for you!

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Corporate Training

Our past clients say that our workshops are engaging, beneficial and effective. We adopt an inside-out approach to knowledge construction & skills application so learners leave deeply impacted. 

Signature Programmes:
- Goldmine In You Leadership Workshop
- Speaking for Impact: How to speak so people listen
- Heartfelt Service: Pathway to Success
- Effective Presentations & Persuasion
- Productivity
- Empathy
- Storytelling

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Keynote Speaking

If you're looking for an engaging, insightful and inspirational speaker, look no further. Past engagements said that the keynote speeches are fun, charismatic, valuable and insightful.

Signature Speeches:

- Goldmine In You: Lead from the inside-out
- Speak for Impact: The power within
- At your service: Wowing your customers

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Consulting & Coaching

Our consultancy leverages on business & leadership principles. 

Our coaching gives you room to creatively discover your way to results.


- Leadership Strategy

- Overcoming Procrastination
- Helping Underperforming Staff
- Cultivating Proactivity
- Communication Strategy
- Service Excellence Strategy

Sofian's workshop is engaging and insightful. As a veteran in the industry, I thought I have garnered enough experience in my account servicing skill set to manage my team and clients well. To my surprise, there were other areas where I can still continue to learn and improve myself through Sofian's workshop. Sofian is able to deliver the points he wants to bring across by relating it back to our industry. My team and I have benefitted so much in just a 1.5hr session. I would recommend Sofian to anyone who is in the service business or leaders of the future.

Monica Zhuang, Director Hashmeta Pte Ltd

How Are Our Keynotes & Programmes Different?

Multi-pronged approach to data gathering & training needs validation.

We don't assume to understand your unique challenges. We believe in using our unique multi-pronged approach to validate the training for your needs. This ensures that what we plan for is what you truly need and brings you actual results.

Learner-first approach towards addressing relevant & mission-critical issues.

Through inductive reasoning & a learner-first approach, we ensure relevancy in our work together. This means that our programmes will address the mission-critical and hard-hitting issues that will bring you the most benefit.

Cutting-edge theoretical approaches to teaching backed by scholarly research.

We employ theoretical approaches to teaching that has been studied by scholars in our programmes. From a gamut of dynamic approaches, we layer these theories seamlessly to the best interest of the learners.

Agile service delivery through solutions sketching and Minimum Viable Prototypes (MVPs)

In a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, we employ iterative service delivery that ensures rapid prototyping for best results. This ensures that your work with us is the best possible version it can possibly be. 

Skills-based assessments and retention-focused follow-up sessions after the programme.

We believe that theory needs to be married with skills to objectively see how learners apply lessons in the workplace-setting. We employ skills-based assessments and follow-up sessions to provide continuity to the learner's behavioural change.

Who Should Attend Our Programmes?

Who Should Attend Our Programmes?

Our Impact

Inside-Out Leadership Workshop

Inside-Out Leadership Workshop

Meet Abu Sofian.

My  mission is to positively contribute to humanity by teaching sales, communication and business skills worldwide.

Clients hire me because they say I give insightful distinctions that surprises the audience, engage people with charisma, serve tactical call-to-actions and deliver results through our co-creation process.

An introvert, I was a victim of bullying while I was growing up. I started volunteering, which opened me up to meeting international scholars & speakers at 22.

I draw upon wisdom gleaned from meeting these personalities to give training, speaking and consulting work that has reached audiences in Belgium, Vietnam, South Africa, Senegal, UK & US.

My past clients include CEOs, VPs, Directors, Founders and professionals from 7-figure companies, marketing & events agencies, KPMG auditors in South Africa, financial advisory leaders and professionals in top brands.

My past executive coaching clients are from:
- Mastercard
- J.P Morgan Chase & Co
- Bernhard Schulte
- Abbott
- Manulife

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