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Do you take credit or take the blame?

Leaders, if we want to take credit for the team’s success,

We have to learn to take the blame too.

Credit v.s Blame

When the team wins, when we close the sale, everyone wants to claim credit.

However, it’s an entirely different story when we fail or lose.

Who’s responsibility should it be then to shoulder the hit?

The underperforming employee who failed to meet the KPIs?

The red ocean market that’s stiff with competition?

When things go south, here’s what the best leaders I’ve worked with and coached do:

They take the hit for the team.

Even if it wasn’t them who slipped in delivering what the client wanted.

Even if the leader was busy closing deals and wasn’t directly involved in the mistake.

This doesn’t mean leaders should get trampled on like a doormat.

It means they do a self-audit and ask,

‘What was my role in this?’ &

‘How can I use this to bounce back stronger?’

The best way to fail is to blame others.

The best way to win is to turn inwards and audit ourselves.

Don’t you agree?

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