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I'm a 'mat/minah/(slur)' & they don't take me seriously!

  • Clients stereotyped me as a 'mat/minah/(slur)' & don't take me seriously!

  • Clients gave me the 'I ate more rice and salt than you in life so I know better' before I could even help them

  • When I spoke in front of a room of business owners they looked down on me because we made less money than them

That's what professionals told me they experienced.

Have you ever felt hurt in that way?

You see, what I learned was that there is a reason why people treat us how they do.

One of the reasons is that we teach people how to treat us.

I will never forget the day an older colleague stormed into the office and said,


"The reason why the vendor treats you that way is because you have a sign on your forehead that says...


You see... I was an introvert who was a victim of bullying when I was growing up.

I wasn't assertive.

If I disagreed with someone, it was so uncomfortable to voice out.

I didn't know how to negotiate like a pro.

Have you ever felt like that too?

Do you want to know why I feel so strongly about learning communication skills?

It's because I realized that just because you are good at your work, it doesn't mean you will get results.

  1. It's the people who know 'what to say' AND 'how to say it' that get better results.

  2. It's the people who can make people comfortable with them that get better results.

Working to be a good, honest & honorable person is not enough.

You must have great communication skills.

This is a non-negotiable.

Do you know how to:

  • Negotiate higher fees for your services.

  • Make people excited before even working with you.

  • Defuse a tense situation with your boss.

If you do, great - imagine your results if you could master this skill.

If you don't - then it's time to start!

I believe in writing to you regularly so that I can share with you what I know.

I'm going to share with you what took me years of pain to learn.

I'm going to share with you what I paid 5-figures a year to learn.

I'm going to share it with you so that you can get faster results.


If you are, follow me on Instagram @abusofianspeaking now and click the bell icon so that you don't miss behind-the-scenes lessons.

Connect with me on LinkedIn @AbuSofianEunos here.

Let's make 2024 an intentional year for your greatest growth.


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